God Brings His People Home
Ezra 1:1-8; 3:1-13 Quick Facts: Ezra – one of the historical books written between 440 and 400 B.C. sometime after the exiles returned to...
God Rescues Daniel from the Lions
Daniel 6:1-28 Quick Facts: Daniel – one of the Major Prophets written during the time of Judah’s captivity to the Babylonian Empire. The...
"The Handwriting of God"
Daniel 5:1-9, 13-31 Quick Facts: Daniel – one of the Major Prophets written during the time of Judah’s captivity to the Babylonian...
The God Who Deserves Our Allegiance
Daniel 3:8-30 Quick Facts: Daniel – one of the Major Prophets written during the time of Judah’s captivity to the Babylonian Empire. The...
How to Stay Faithful in Exile
Daniel 1:1-21 Quick Facts: Daniel – one of the Major Prophets written during the time of Judah’s captivity to the Babylonian Empire. The...
God Pursues Us with New Life
Ezekiel 37:1-14 Quick Facts: Ezekiel – one of the Major Prophets prophesying to the nation of Judah in captivity. His prophetic ministry...
The Great Fall of Jerusalem
2 Chronicles 36:11-21; Jeremiah 38:14-18, 24-28 Quick Facts: Jeremiah – one of the Major Prophets prophesying to the nation of Judah (The...
Jeremiah Prophesies a New Covenant
Jeremiah 17:1-10; 31:31-34 Quick Facts: Jeremiah – one of the Major Prophets prophesying to the nation of Judah (The Southern Kingdom) A...
"God Calls Jeremiah"
Jeremiah 1:4-10 Quick Facts: Jeremiah – one of the Major Prophets prophesying to the nation of Judah (The Southern Kingdom) A prophet...
"God Pursues Judah"
Joel 1:1-14; 2:12-14, 18, 25-32 Quick Facts: The book of Joel is in the section of the Old Testament referred to as prophetical … it is...